
load all necessary packages:


"%ni%" <- Negate("%in%")

Trial 1


Load Flow Cytometry data:

rnd1fs1<- read.flowSet(path = "20220803_BACTB12_3_1_1200/", pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)
rnd1fs2 <- read.flowSet(path = "20220803_BactB12_3_1_1500/", pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)
rnd1fs3 <- read.flowSet(path = "20220803_bactB12_3_1_2100/", pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)
rnd1fs4 <- read.flowSet(path = "20220804_bactb12_3_2_0900/", pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)
rnd1fs5 <- read.flowSet(path = "20220804_bactb12_3_2_1200/", pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)

Add sample names for each run:

samples <- c( "Rpom_full_cold_1", "Rpom_full_cold_2", "Rpom_full_cold_3","Amac_full_cold_1", "Amac_full_cold_2", "Amac_full_cold_3",  "Rpom_noB12_cold_1", "Rpom_noB12_cold_2", "Rpom_noB12_cold_3", "Amac_noB12_cold_1", "Amac_noB12_cold_2","Amac_noB12_cold_3",
"Rpom_full_med_1", "Rpom_full_med_2", "Rpom_full_med_3", "Amac_full_med_1", "Amac_full_med_2", "Amac_full_med_3",
"Rpom_noB12_med_1", "Rpom_noB12_med_2", "Rpom_noB12_med_3", "Amac_noB12_med_1", "Amac_noB12_med_2", "Amac_noB12_med_3",
"Rpom_full_hot_1", "Rpom_full_hot_2", "Rpom_full_hot_3", "Amac_full_hot_1", "Amac_full_hot_2", "Amac_full_hot_3",
"Rpom_noB12_hot_1", "Rpom_noB12_hot_2", "Rpom_noB12_hot_3","Amac_noB12_hot_1", "Amac_noB12_hot_2", "Amac_noB12_hot_3")

pData(rnd1fs1)$well <- paste0(samples, "_1")
pData(rnd1fs2)$well <- paste0(samples, "_2")
pData(rnd1fs3)$well <- paste0(samples, "_3")
pData(rnd1fs4)$well <- paste0(samples, "_4")
pData(rnd1fs5)$well <- paste0(samples, "_5")

Create gate for live cells:

g.singlets <- polygonGate(filterId = "Singlets","FL1.A"=c(3e3,1e6,1e6, 3e3),"FL3.A"=c(0,5000, 1e5, 1200)) # define gate

Create log version of gate for plotting and plot log transformed data with log transformed gate:

logg.singlets <- polygonGate(filterId = "Singlets", "FL1.A"=c(log(3e3),log(1e6), log(1e6), log(3e3)),"FL3.A"=c(4, log(5000), log(1e5), log(1200))) 

autoplot(transform(rnd1fs1[[1]], `FL1.A` =log(`FL1.A` ), `FL3.A` =log(`FL3.A` ) ), "FL1.A","FL3.A", bins = 400, gate = logg.singlets) +geom_gate(logg.singlets) +geom_stats(type = c("percent", "count"))

Filter flowSet based on gate and then replot: (sanity check)

filteredresult <- flowCore::Subset(rnd1fs1,g.singlets)

autoplot(transform(filteredresult[[1]], `FL1.A` =log(`FL1.A` ), `FL3.A` =log(`FL3.A` ) ), "FL1.A","FL3.A", bins = 400, gate = logg.singlets) +geom_gate(logg.singlets) +geom_stats(type = c("percent"))

plot gate for an entire plate:

autoplot(transform(filteredresult, `FL1.A` =log(`FL1.A` ), `FL3.A` =log(`FL3.A` ) ), "FL1.A","FL3.A", bins = 400, gate = logg.singlets) +geom_gate(logg.singlets) 

Make a forward scatter gate:

rg1 <- rectangleGate("FSC.A"=c(100, 100000), filterId="NonDebris")

Check forward scatter gate:

autoplot(rnd1fs1[[5]], x = "FSC.A") +geom_gate(rg1) +geom_stats()

Filter based on forward scatter:

filteredresult <- flowCore::Subset(rnd1fs1,g.singlets)
filteredresult2 <- flowCore::Subset(filteredresult,rg1)

plot filtered forward scatter (sanity check):

ggcyto(filteredresult2, aes(x = "FSC.A")) +geom_gate(rg1) +geom_density()

Get the total volume injected into the instrument for each sample at each time point and save as a character vector:

rnd1vols1<- c()
for (i in 1:length(samples)) {
  rnd1vols1[i] = rnd1fs1[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

rnd1vols2<- c()
for (i in 1:length(samples)) {
  rnd1vols2[i] = rnd1fs2[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

rnd1vols3<- c()
for (i in 1:length(samples)) {
  rnd1vols3[i] = rnd1fs3[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

rnd1vols4<- c()
for (i in 1:length(samples)) {
  rnd1vols4[i] = rnd1fs4[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

rnd1vols5<- c()
for (i in 1:length(samples)) {
  rnd1vols5[i] = rnd1fs5[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

Create gatingset from filtered flowset to get event counts for each treatment at each time point. Add a volume column using the volume vectors for each day.

filtered_gs1 <- GatingSet(filteredresult2)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs1,g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps1 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs1)
filtered_ps1$vol <- rnd1vols1

fr_2 <- flowCore::Subset(rnd1fs2,g.singlets)
fr2_2 <- flowCore::Subset(fr_2,rg1)

filtered_gs2 <- GatingSet(fr2_2)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs2,g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps2 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs2)
filtered_ps2$vol <- rnd1vols2

fr_3 <- flowCore::Subset(rnd1fs3,g.singlets)
fr2_3 <- flowCore::Subset(fr_3,rg1)

filtered_gs3 <- GatingSet(fr2_3)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs3, g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps3 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs3)
filtered_ps3$vol <- rnd1vols3

fr_4 <- flowCore::Subset(rnd1fs4,g.singlets)
fr2_4 <- flowCore::Subset(fr_4,rg1)

filtered_gs4 <- GatingSet(fr2_4)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs4,g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps4 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs4)
filtered_ps4$vol <- rnd1vols4


fr_5 <- flowCore::Subset(rnd1fs5,g.singlets)
fr2_5 <- flowCore::Subset(fr_5,rg1)

filtered_gs5 <- GatingSet(fr2_5)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs5,g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps5 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs5)
filtered_ps5$vol <- rnd1vols5

Bind together count frames and create new column for volume in µl. Divide counts by volume to normalize. Separate names to get columns for grouping and faceting. Add factors for temperature.

results_t1 <- rbind(filtered_ps1, filtered_ps2, filtered_ps3, filtered_ps4, filtered_ps5)

results_t1$vol_ul <- as.numeric(results_t1$vol) / 1000

results_t1$cells_per_ul  <-   results_t1$Count /  results_t1$vol_ul

results_t1 <- results_t1 %>% separate(well,c("Species", "Media", "Temp", "Rep", "Time_point") )
results_t1$Temp <- factor(results_t1$Temp, levels = c("cold", "med", "hot"))

Growth Curve Plot

Convert “time points” to hours and plot growth curve:

r2_t1<- results_t1 %>% 
  mutate(hours = case_when(
    Time_point == 1 ~ 3,
    Time_point == 2 ~ 6, 
    Time_point == 3 ~ 12,
    Time_point == 4 ~ 24,
    Time_point == 5 ~ 27)) 

write.csv(r2_t1, "r2_t1.csv", row.names = FALSE)
r2_t1<- read.csv("r2_t1.csv")

r2_t1$Temp <- factor(r2_t1$Temp, levels = c("cold", "med", "hot"))

r2_t1 %>% 
  group_by(hours, Media, Species, Temp) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_cells_per_ul = mean(cells_per_ul), sd = sd(cells_per_ul)) %>% ggplot(aes(x = hours, y = mean_cells_per_ul, color = Temp, shape = Media)) + facet_grid(Temp~Species) + geom_point(size =2, alpha = .7) + theme_bw() + scale_color_manual(values = c("#2D55CC", "#FAAB33", "#FF4041"))  +geom_line(aes(linetype = Media))+
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean_cells_per_ul-sd, ymax=mean_cells_per_ul+sd), width=0) + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

log scale

plot with Log scale on y-axis:

r2_t1 %>% 
  group_by(hours, Media, Species, Temp) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_cells_per_ul = mean(cells_per_ul), sd = sd(cells_per_ul)) %>% ggplot(aes(x = hours, y = mean_cells_per_ul, color = Temp, shape = Media)) + facet_grid(Temp~Species) + geom_point(size =2, alpha = .7) + theme_bw() + scale_color_manual(values = c("#2D55CC", "#FAAB33", "#FF4041")) +
    geom_line(aes(linetype = Media))+
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean_cells_per_ul-sd, ymax=mean_cells_per_ul+sd), width=0) + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())+ scale_y_log10()

results_Amac_Hot_Full <- r2_t1 %>% group_by(hours, Media, Species, Temp) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_cells_per_ul = mean(cells_per_ul), sd = sd(cells_per_ul)) %>% dplyr::filter(Media == "full") %>%  dplyr::filter(Species == "Amac") %>% dplyr::filter(Temp == "hot")

## # A tibble: 5 × 6
## # Groups:   hours, Media, Species [5]
##   hours Media Species Temp  mean_cells_per_ul    sd
##   <int> <chr> <chr>   <fct>             <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     3 full  Amac    hot              10899.  738.
## 2     6 full  Amac    hot              29318. 2441.
## 3    12 full  Amac    hot              34562. 3947.
## 4    24 full  Amac    hot              42676. 8487.
## 5    27 full  Amac    hot              43231. 8166.
results_Amac_Hot_noB12 <- r2_t1 %>% group_by(hours, Media, Species, Temp) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_cells_per_ul = mean(cells_per_ul), sd = sd(cells_per_ul)) %>% dplyr::filter(Media == "noB12") %>%  dplyr::filter(Species == "Amac") %>% dplyr::filter(Temp == "hot")

## # A tibble: 5 × 6
## # Groups:   hours, Media, Species [5]
##   hours Media Species Temp  mean_cells_per_ul    sd
##   <int> <chr> <chr>   <fct>             <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     3 noB12 Amac    hot               3656. 1044.
## 2     6 noB12 Amac    hot              18813. 4766.
## 3    12 noB12 Amac    hot              18361. 2210.
## 4    24 noB12 Amac    hot              17819. 2374.
## 5    27 noB12 Amac    hot              18542. 3285.
( 43230.92 - 18542.19 ) / 43230.92
## [1] 0.5710896

Max cell counts (biomass)

Get and plot maximum cell concentrations:

df_mean <- data.frame(r2_t1 %>% 
  group_by(Media, Species, Temp, Rep) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(max_cells_per_ul = max(cells_per_ul)) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(mean_max_cells = mean(max_cells_per_ul), sd = sd(max_cells_per_ul)) %>% ungroup())

df_sd <-  data.frame(r2_t1 %>% 
  group_by(Media, Species, Temp, Rep) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(max_cells_per_ul = max(cells_per_ul)) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(mean_max_cells = mean(max_cells_per_ul), sd = sd(max_cells_per_ul)) %>% ungroup() %>% mutate(ymin = mean_max_cells-sd) %>% mutate(ymax = mean_max_cells+sd))

df_points <- data.frame(r2_t1 %>% 
  group_by(Media, Species, Temp, Rep) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(max_cells_per_ul = max(cells_per_ul)) %>% ungroup())

ggplot() + geom_point(data = df_mean, aes(x = Media, y = mean_max_cells, color = Media), size =10, shape ="-") + theme_bw() + scale_color_manual(values = c( "black", "#6495ed"))+ geom_errorbar(data = df_sd, aes(x = Media, y = mean_max_cells, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, color = Media), width=0) + geom_jitter(data =df_points, aes(x =Media, y = max_cells_per_ul, color = Media), shape = 1, width = 0.114, fill = "white") +facet_grid(Species~ Temp, scales = "free_y") + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + ggtitle("Trial 1")

biomass stats


amac_biomass <- df_points %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "Amac")
amac_biomass$TempMedia <- paste(amac_biomass$Media, amac_biomass$Temp)

Amac biomass difference by media in cold temp treatment:

amac_biomass_cold_noB12 <- amac_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "noB12 cold")
amac_biomass_cold_full <- amac_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "full cold")
t.test(amac_biomass_cold_noB12$max_cells_per_ul, amac_biomass_cold_full$max_cells_per_ul)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  amac_biomass_cold_noB12$max_cells_per_ul and amac_biomass_cold_full$max_cells_per_ul
## t = 2.5758, df = 3.9112, p-value = 0.06297
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##   -482.8366 11505.9798
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  56052.99  50541.42

Amac biomass difference by media in mid temp treatment:

amac_biomass_mid_noB12 <- amac_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "noB12 med")
amac_biomass_mid_full <- amac_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "full med")
t.test(amac_biomass_mid_noB12$max_cells_per_ul, amac_biomass_mid_full$max_cells_per_ul)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  amac_biomass_mid_noB12$max_cells_per_ul and amac_biomass_mid_full$max_cells_per_ul
## t = 0.40098, df = 2.2303, p-value = 0.7236
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -4135.226  5082.012
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  61630.82  61157.43

Amac biomass difference by media in hot temp treatment:

amac_biomass_hot_noB12 <- amac_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "noB12 hot")
amac_biomass_hot_full <- amac_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "full hot")
t.test(amac_biomass_hot_noB12$max_cells_per_ul, amac_biomass_hot_full$max_cells_per_ul)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  amac_biomass_hot_noB12$max_cells_per_ul and amac_biomass_hot_full$max_cells_per_ul
## t = -4.6326, df = 2.6477, p-value = 0.02481
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -41081.813  -6092.685
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  19643.67  43230.92


rpom_biomass <- df_points %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "Rpom")
rpom_biomass$TempMedia <- paste(rpom_biomass$Media, rpom_biomass$Temp)

Rpom biomass difference by media in cold temp treatment:

rpom_biomass_cold_noB12 <- rpom_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "noB12 cold")
rpom_biomass_cold_full <- rpom_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "full cold")
t.test(rpom_biomass_cold_noB12$max_cells_per_ul, rpom_biomass_cold_full$max_cells_per_ul)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  rpom_biomass_cold_noB12$max_cells_per_ul and rpom_biomass_cold_full$max_cells_per_ul
## t = 1.4125, df = 2.1848, p-value = 0.2834
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -19198.35  40387.16
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##   51180.4   40586.0

Rpom biomass difference by media in mid temp treatment:

rpom_biomass_mid_noB12 <- rpom_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "noB12 med")
rpom_biomass_mid_full <- rpom_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "full med")
t.test(rpom_biomass_mid_noB12$max_cells_per_ul, rpom_biomass_mid_full$max_cells_per_ul)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  rpom_biomass_mid_noB12$max_cells_per_ul and rpom_biomass_mid_full$max_cells_per_ul
## t = 0.63281, df = 3.9539, p-value = 0.5616
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -5558.866  8821.360
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  60360.54  58729.29

Rpom biomass difference by media in hot temp treatment:

rpom_biomass_hot_noB12 <- rpom_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "noB12 hot")
rpom_biomass_hot_full <- rpom_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "full hot")
t.test(rpom_biomass_hot_noB12$max_cells_per_ul, rpom_biomass_hot_full$max_cells_per_ul)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  rpom_biomass_hot_noB12$max_cells_per_ul and rpom_biomass_hot_full$max_cells_per_ul
## t = -1.4241, df = 2.3808, p-value = 0.2714
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -21914.184   9747.558
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  55386.61  61469.92

Cell size

get mean cell sizes:

FSC1<- data.frame(fsApply(filteredresult2,each_col,mean))
FSC2<- data.frame(fsApply(fr2_2,each_col,mean))
FSC3<- data.frame(fsApply(fr2_3,each_col,mean))
FSC4<- data.frame(fsApply(fr2_4,each_col,mean))
FSC5<- data.frame(fsApply(fr2_5,each_col,mean))

FSC1$well <- paste0(samples, "_1")
FSC2$well <- paste0(samples, "_2")
FSC3$well <- paste0(samples, "_3")
FSC4$well <- paste0(samples, "_4")
FSC5$well <- paste0(samples, "_5")

Fscatter_t1<- rbind(FSC1,FSC2,FSC3,FSC4,FSC5) %>% separate(well,c("Species", "Media", "Temp", "Rep", "Time_point"))

fscatt1<- Fscatter_t1 %>% 
  mutate(hours = case_when(
    Time_point == 1 ~ 3,
    Time_point == 2 ~ 6, 
    Time_point == 3 ~ 12,
    Time_point == 4 ~ 24,
    Time_point == 5 ~ 27)) 

write.csv(fscatt1, "fscatter_rnd1.csv", row.names = FALSE)


fscatt1<- read.csv("fscatter_rnd1.csv")

fscatt1$Temp <- factor(fscatt1$Temp, levels = c("cold", "med", "hot"))

fscatt1  %>% 
  group_by(hours, Media, Species, Temp) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_size = mean(FSC.A), sd = sd(FSC.A)) %>% ggplot(aes(x = hours, y = mean_size, color = Temp, shape = Media)) + facet_grid(Temp~Species) + geom_point(size =2, alpha = .7) + theme_bw() + scale_color_manual(values = c("#2D55CC", "#FAAB33", "#FF4041"))  +geom_line(aes(linetype = Media))+
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean_size-sd, ymax=mean_size+sd), width=0) + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

Trial 2


Data import:

rnd2fs1<- read.flowSet(path = "20220808_bactb12_4_1_0900/", pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)
rnd2fs2 <- read.flowSet(path = "20220808_BACTB12_4_1_1000//", pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)
rnd2fs3 <- read.flowSet(path = "20220808_bactb12_4_1_1100/", pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)
rnd2fs4 <- read.flowSet(path = "20220808_bactb12_4_1_1200/", pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)
rnd2fs5 <- read.flowSet(path = "20220808_bactb12_4_1_1300/", pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)
rnd2fs6 <- read.flowSet(path = "20220808_bactb12_4_1_1400/",  pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)
rnd2fs7 <- read.flowSet(path = "20220808_bactb12_4_1_1500/",  pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)
rnd2fs8 <- read.flowSet(path = "20220808_bactb12_4_1_1600/",  pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)
rnd2fs9 <- read.flowSet(path = "20220808_bactb12_4_1_1700/",  pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)
rnd2fs10 <- read.flowSet(path = "20220808_bactb12_4_1_2000/",  pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)
rnd2fs11 <- read.flowSet(path = "20220808_bactb12_4_1_2100/",  pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)
rnd2fs12 <- read.flowSet(path = "20220809_bactb12_4_2_0900/",  pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)
rnd2fs13 <- read.flowSet(path = "20220809_bactb12_4_2_0900_2/",  pattern = ".fcs",alter.names = T)

Add sample names:

sampleNames3 <- c( "Rpom_full_cold_1", "Rpom_full_cold_2", "Rpom_full_cold_3","Amac_full_cold_1", "Amac_full_cold_2", "Amac_full_cold_3",  "Rpom_noB12_cold_1", "Rpom_noB12_cold_2", "Rpom_noB12_cold_3", "Amac_noB12_cold_1", "Amac_noB12_cold_2","Amac_noB12_cold_3",
"Rpom_full_med_1", "Rpom_full_med_2", "Rpom_full_med_3", "Amac_full_med_1", "Amac_full_med_2", "Amac_full_med_3",
"Rpom_noB12_med_1", "Rpom_noB12_med_2", "Rpom_noB12_med_3", "Amac_noB12_med_1", "Amac_noB12_med_2", "Amac_noB12_med_3",
"Rpom_full_hot_1", "Rpom_full_hot_2", "Rpom_full_hot_3", "Amac_full_hot_1", "Amac_full_hot_2", "Amac_full_hot_3",
"Rpom_noB12_hot_1", "Rpom_noB12_hot_2", "Rpom_noB12_hot_3","Amac_noB12_hot_1", "Amac_noB12_hot_2", "Amac_noB12_hot_3")

sampleNames4 <- c( "Rpom_full_cold_1", "Rpom_full_cold_2", "Rpom_full_cold_3","Amac_full_cold_1", "Amac_full_cold_2", "Amac_full_cold_3",  "Rpom_noB12_cold_1", "Rpom_noB12_cold_2", "Rpom_noB12_cold_3", "Amac_noB12_cold_1", "Amac_noB12_cold_2","Amac_noB12_cold_3",
"Amac_full_med_1", "Amac_full_med_2", "Amac_full_med_3",
"Amac_noB12_med_1", "Amac_noB12_med_2", "Amac_noB12_med_3",
"Amac_full_hot_1", "Amac_full_hot_2", "Amac_full_hot_3",
"Amac_noB12_hot_1", "Amac_noB12_hot_2", "Amac_noB12_hot_3")

sampleNames5 <- c( "Rpom_full_cold_1", "Rpom_full_cold_2", "Rpom_full_cold_3","Amac_full_cold_1", "Amac_full_cold_2", "Amac_full_cold_3",  "Rpom_noB12_cold_1", "Rpom_noB12_cold_2", "Rpom_noB12_cold_3", "Amac_noB12_cold_1", "Amac_noB12_cold_2","Amac_noB12_cold_3")

sampleNames6 <- c( "Amac_full_med_1", "Amac_full_med_2", "Amac_full_med_3",
"Amac_noB12_med_1", "Amac_noB12_med_2", "Amac_noB12_med_3",
"Amac_full_hot_1", "Amac_full_hot_2", "Amac_full_hot_3",
"Amac_noB12_hot_1", "Amac_noB12_hot_2", "Amac_noB12_hot_3")

pData(rnd2fs1)$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_1")
pData(rnd2fs2)$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_2")
pData(rnd2fs3)$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_3")
pData(rnd2fs4)$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_4")
pData(rnd2fs5)$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_5")
pData(rnd2fs6)$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_6")
pData(rnd2fs7)$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_7")
pData(rnd2fs8)$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_8")
pData(rnd2fs9)$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_9")
pData(rnd2fs10)$well <- paste0(sampleNames4, "_10")
pData(rnd2fs11)$well <- paste0(sampleNames4, "_11")
pData(rnd2fs12)$well <- paste0(sampleNames5, "_12")
pData(rnd2fs13)$well <- paste0(sampleNames6, "_13")

Double check gates:

autoplot(transform(rnd2fs1[[1]], `FL1.A` =log(`FL1.A` ), `FL3.A` =log(`FL3.A` ) ), "FL1.A","FL3.A", bins = 400, gate = logg.singlets) +geom_gate(logg.singlets) +geom_stats(type = c("percent", "count"))

Filter flowSet based on gate and then replot: (sanity check)

filteredresult <- flowCore::Subset(rnd2fs1, g.singlets)

autoplot(transform(filteredresult[[1]], `FL1.A` =log(`FL1.A` ), `FL3.A` =log(`FL3.A` ) ), "FL1.A","FL3.A", bins = 400, gate = logg.singlets) +geom_gate(logg.singlets) +geom_stats(type = c("percent"))

Forward scatter gate:

autoplot(rnd2fs1[[1]], x = "FSC.A") +geom_gate(rg1) +geom_stats()

Filter flowSet based on gate and then replot: (sanity check)

filteredresult <- flowCore::Subset(rnd2fs1,g.singlets)
filteredresult_2 <- flowCore::Subset(filteredresult, rg1)
autoplot(filteredresult_2[[1]], x = "FSC.A") +geom_gate(rg1)

Whole plate:

ggcyto(filteredresult_2, aes(x = "FSC.A")) +geom_gate(rg1) +geom_density()

Get sample volumes for each time point:

rnd2vols1<- c()
for (i in 1:length(sampleNames3)) {
  rnd2vols1[i] = rnd2fs1[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

rnd2vols2<- c()
for (i in 1:length(sampleNames3)) {
  rnd2vols2[i] = rnd2fs2[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

rnd2vols3<- c()
for (i in 1:length(sampleNames3)) {
  rnd2vols3[i] = rnd2fs3[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

rnd2vols4<- c()
for (i in 1:length(sampleNames3)) {
  rnd2vols4[i] = rnd2fs4[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

rnd2vols5<- c()
for (i in 1:length(sampleNames3)) {
  rnd2vols5[i] = rnd2fs5[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

rnd2vols6<- c()
for (i in 1:length(sampleNames3)) {
  rnd2vols6[i] = rnd2fs6[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

rnd2vols7<- c()
for (i in 1:length(sampleNames3)) {
  rnd2vols7[i] = rnd2fs7[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

rnd2vols8<- c()
for (i in 1:length(sampleNames3)) {
  rnd2vols8[i] = rnd2fs8[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

rnd2vols9<- c()
for (i in 1:length(sampleNames3)) {
  rnd2vols9[i] = rnd2fs9[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

rnd2vols10<- c()
for (i in 1:length(sampleNames4)) {
  rnd2vols10[i] = rnd2fs10[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

rnd2vols11<- c()
for (i in 1:length(sampleNames4)) {
  rnd2vols11[i] = rnd2fs11[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

rnd2vols12<- c()
for (i in 1:length(sampleNames5)) {
  rnd2vols12[i] = rnd2fs12[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

rnd2vols13<- c()
for (i in 1:length(sampleNames6)) {
  rnd2vols13[i] = rnd2fs13[[i]]@description["$VOL"][[1]]

create gating sets for each timepoint:

filtered_gs1 <- GatingSet(filteredresult_2)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs1,g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps1 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs1)
filtered_ps1$vol <- rnd2vols1

fr_2 <- flowCore::Subset(rnd2fs2,g.singlets)
fr2_2 <- flowCore::Subset(fr_2,rg1)

filtered_gs2 <- GatingSet(fr2_2)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs2,g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps2 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs2)
filtered_ps2$vol <- rnd2vols2

fr_3 <- flowCore::Subset(rnd2fs3,g.singlets)
fr2_3 <- flowCore::Subset(fr_3,rg1)

filtered_gs3 <- GatingSet(fr2_3)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs3, g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps3 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs3)
filtered_ps3$vol <- rnd2vols3

fr_4 <- flowCore::Subset(rnd2fs4,g.singlets)
fr2_4 <- flowCore::Subset(fr_4,rg1)

filtered_gs4 <- GatingSet(fr2_4)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs4,g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps4 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs4)
filtered_ps4$vol <- rnd2vols4


fr_5 <- flowCore::Subset(rnd2fs5,g.singlets)
fr2_5 <- flowCore::Subset(fr_5,rg1)

filtered_gs5 <- GatingSet(fr2_5)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs5,g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps5 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs5)
filtered_ps5$vol <- rnd2vols5


fr_6 <- flowCore::Subset(rnd2fs6,g.singlets)
fr2_6 <- flowCore::Subset(fr_6,rg1)

filtered_gs6 <- GatingSet(fr2_6)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs6,g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps6 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs6)
filtered_ps6$vol <- rnd2vols6


fr_7 <- flowCore::Subset(rnd2fs7,g.singlets)
fr2_7 <- flowCore::Subset(fr_7,rg1)

filtered_gs7 <- GatingSet(fr2_7)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs7,g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps7 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs7)
filtered_ps7$vol <- rnd2vols7


fr_8 <- flowCore::Subset(rnd2fs8,g.singlets)
fr2_8 <- flowCore::Subset(fr_8,rg1)

filtered_gs8  <- GatingSet(fr2_8)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs8,g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps8 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs8)
filtered_ps8$vol <- rnd2vols8


fr_9 <- flowCore::Subset(rnd2fs9,g.singlets)
fr2_9 <- flowCore::Subset(fr_9,rg1)

filtered_gs9 <- GatingSet(fr2_9)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs9,g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps9 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs9)
filtered_ps9$vol <- rnd2vols9


fr_10 <- flowCore::Subset(rnd2fs10,g.singlets)
fr2_10 <- flowCore::Subset(fr_10,rg1)

filtered_gs10 <- GatingSet(fr2_10)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs10,g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps10 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs10)
filtered_ps10$vol <- rnd2vols10


fr_11 <- flowCore::Subset(rnd2fs11,g.singlets)
fr2_11 <- flowCore::Subset(fr_11,rg1)

filtered_gs11 <- GatingSet(fr2_11)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs11,g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps11 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs11)
filtered_ps11$vol <- rnd2vols11


fr_12 <- flowCore::Subset(rnd2fs12,g.singlets)
fr2_12 <- flowCore::Subset(fr_12,rg1)

filtered_gs12 <- GatingSet(fr2_12)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs12,g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps12 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs12)
filtered_ps12$vol <- rnd2vols12


fr_13 <- flowCore::Subset(rnd2fs13,g.singlets)
fr2_13 <- flowCore::Subset(fr_13,rg1)

filtered_gs13 <- GatingSet(fr2_13)
gs_pop_add(filtered_gs13,g.singlets) # add gate to GatingSet

filtered_ps13 <- gs_pop_get_count_with_meta(filtered_gs13)
filtered_ps13$vol <- rnd2vols13

Growth Curve Plot

Put together time points into single dataframe, compute concentrations, split sample names for grouping and faceting:

results <- rbind(filtered_ps1, filtered_ps2, filtered_ps3, filtered_ps4, filtered_ps5, filtered_ps6, filtered_ps7, filtered_ps8, filtered_ps9, filtered_ps10, filtered_ps11, filtered_ps12, filtered_ps13)

results$vol_ul <- as.numeric(results$vol) / 1000

results$cells_per_ul  <-   results$Count /  results$vol_ul

results <- results %>% separate(well,c("Species", "Media", "Temp", "Rep", "Time_point") )
results$Temp <- factor(results$Temp, levels = c("cold", "med", "hot"))

convert time points to hours and plot!

r2<- results %>% 
  mutate(hours = case_when(
    Time_point == 1 ~ 0,
    Time_point == 2 ~ 1, 
    Time_point == 3 ~ 2,
    Time_point == 4 ~ 3,
    Time_point == 5 ~ 4,
    Time_point == 6 ~ 5,
    Time_point == 7 ~ 6,
    Time_point == 8 ~ 7,
    Time_point == 9 ~ 8,
    Time_point == 10 ~ 9,
    Time_point == 11 ~ 12,
    Time_point == 12 ~ 24,
    Time_point == 13 ~ 24

write.csv(r2, "r2_t2.csv", row.names = FALSE)
r2<- read.csv("r2_t2.csv")

r2$Temp <- factor(r2$Temp, levels = c("cold", "med", "hot"))

r2 %>% group_by(hours, Media, Species, Temp) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_cells_per_ul = mean(cells_per_ul), sd = sd(cells_per_ul)) %>% ggplot(aes(x = hours, y = mean_cells_per_ul, color = Temp, shape = Media)) + facet_grid(Temp~Species) + geom_point(size =2, alpha = .7) + theme_bw() + scale_color_manual(values = c("#2D55CC", "#FAAB33", "#FF4041")) + geom_line(aes(linetype = Media))+
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean_cells_per_ul-sd, ymax=mean_cells_per_ul+sd), width=0) + scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x) format(x, scientific = TRUE))

log scale

r2 %>% 
  group_by(hours, Media, Species, Temp) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(mean_cells_per_ul = mean(cells_per_ul), sd = sd(cells_per_ul)) %>% dplyr::filter(!(Temp == "cold" &hours ==2)) %>% dplyr::filter(!(Temp == "hot" & hours ==1)) %>% ggplot(aes(x = hours, y = mean_cells_per_ul, color = Temp, shape = Media)) + facet_grid(Temp~Species) + geom_point(size =2, alpha = .7) + theme_light() + scale_color_manual(values = c("#2D55CC", "#FAAB33", "#FF4041")) +
   geom_line(aes(linetype = Media))+
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean_cells_per_ul-sd, ymax=mean_cells_per_ul+sd), width=0) + scale_y_log10() + theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + xlim(0, 26)

results_Amac_Hot_Full <- r2 %>% group_by(hours, Media, Species, Temp) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_cells_per_ul = mean(cells_per_ul), sd = sd(cells_per_ul)) %>% dplyr::filter(Media == "full") %>%  dplyr::filter(Species == "Amac") %>% dplyr::filter(Temp == "hot")

## # A tibble: 12 × 6
## # Groups:   hours, Media, Species [12]
##    hours Media Species Temp  mean_cells_per_ul     sd
##    <int> <chr> <chr>   <fct>             <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1     0 full  Amac    hot                823.   24.5
##  2     1 full  Amac    hot               2117.  193. 
##  3     2 full  Amac    hot               1117.   23.7
##  4     3 full  Amac    hot              10059.  218. 
##  5     4 full  Amac    hot              23305. 1428. 
##  6     5 full  Amac    hot              30140. 2021. 
##  7     6 full  Amac    hot              34347. 2073. 
##  8     7 full  Amac    hot              36114. 2482. 
##  9     8 full  Amac    hot              39178. 3673. 
## 10     9 full  Amac    hot              40039. 3503. 
## 11    12 full  Amac    hot              39376. 3680. 
## 12    24 full  Amac    hot              35815. 2528.
results_Amac_Hot_noB12 <- r2 %>% group_by(hours, Media, Species, Temp) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_cells_per_ul = mean(cells_per_ul), sd = sd(cells_per_ul)) %>% dplyr::filter(Media == "noB12") %>%  dplyr::filter(Species == "Amac") %>% dplyr::filter(Temp == "hot")

## # A tibble: 12 × 6
## # Groups:   hours, Media, Species [12]
##    hours Media Species Temp  mean_cells_per_ul     sd
##    <int> <chr> <chr>   <fct>             <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1     0 noB12 Amac    hot                775.   82.9
##  2     1 noB12 Amac    hot               1776.  130. 
##  3     2 noB12 Amac    hot               1331.   31.2
##  4     3 noB12 Amac    hot               6201. 1777. 
##  5     4 noB12 Amac    hot              14712. 2561. 
##  6     5 noB12 Amac    hot              23356. 1129. 
##  7     6 noB12 Amac    hot              27518. 1888. 
##  8     7 noB12 Amac    hot              29538. 1803. 
##  9     8 noB12 Amac    hot              29211. 1075. 
## 10     9 noB12 Amac    hot              31299.  970. 
## 11    12 noB12 Amac    hot              30923. 1707. 
## 12    24 noB12 Amac    hot              27738. 1147.

biomass reduction

(40039 - 31299) / 40039
## [1] 0.2182872


Max cell counts (biomass)

df_mean <- data.frame(r2 %>% 
  group_by(Media, Species, Temp, Rep) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(max_cells_per_ul = max(cells_per_ul)) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(mean_max_cells = mean(max_cells_per_ul), sd = sd(max_cells_per_ul)) %>% ungroup())

df_sd <-  data.frame(r2 %>% 
  group_by(Media, Species, Temp, Rep) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(max_cells_per_ul = max(cells_per_ul)) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(mean_max_cells = mean(max_cells_per_ul), sd = sd(max_cells_per_ul)) %>% ungroup() %>% mutate(ymin = mean_max_cells-sd) %>% mutate(ymax = mean_max_cells+sd))

df_points <- data.frame(r2 %>% 
  group_by(Media, Species, Temp, Rep) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(max_cells_per_ul = max(cells_per_ul)) %>% ungroup())

 ggplot() + geom_point(data = df_mean, aes(x = Media, y = mean_max_cells, color = Media), size =10, shape ="-") + theme_bw() + scale_color_manual(values = c( "black", "#6495ed"))+ geom_errorbar(data = df_sd, aes(x = Media, y = mean_max_cells, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, color = Media), width=0) + geom_jitter(data =df_points, aes(x =Media, y = max_cells_per_ul, color = Media), shape = 1, width = 0.114, fill = "white") +facet_grid(Species~ Temp, scales = "free_y") + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + ggtitle("Trial 2")

biomass stats


amac_biomass <- df_points %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "Amac")
amac_biomass$TempMedia <- paste(amac_biomass$Media, amac_biomass$Temp)

Amac biomass difference by media in cold temp treatment:

amac_biomass_cold_noB12 <- amac_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "noB12 cold")
amac_biomass_cold_full <- amac_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "full cold")
t.test(amac_biomass_cold_noB12$max_cells_per_ul, amac_biomass_cold_full$max_cells_per_ul)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  amac_biomass_cold_noB12$max_cells_per_ul and amac_biomass_cold_full$max_cells_per_ul
## t = 4.0004, df = 2.5674, p-value = 0.0372
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##   1096.749 16737.342
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  47626.44  38709.40

Amac biomass difference by media in med temp treatment:

amac_biomass_mid_noB12 <- amac_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "noB12 med")
amac_biomass_mid_full <- amac_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "full med")
t.test(amac_biomass_mid_noB12$max_cells_per_ul, amac_biomass_mid_full$max_cells_per_ul)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  amac_biomass_mid_noB12$max_cells_per_ul and amac_biomass_mid_full$max_cells_per_ul
## t = -0.85157, df = 2.1333, p-value = 0.4793
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -12433.705   8117.794
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  60282.25  62440.21

Amac biomass difference by media in hot temp treatment:

amac_biomass_hot_noB12 <- amac_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "noB12 hot")
amac_biomass_hot_full <- amac_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "full hot")
t.test(amac_biomass_hot_noB12$max_cells_per_ul, amac_biomass_hot_full$max_cells_per_ul)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  amac_biomass_hot_noB12$max_cells_per_ul and amac_biomass_hot_full$max_cells_per_ul
## t = -4.5772, df = 2.4798, p-value = 0.02923
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -17482.352  -2099.897
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  31449.15  41240.28


rpom_biomass <- df_points %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "Rpom")
rpom_biomass$TempMedia <- paste(rpom_biomass$Media, rpom_biomass$Temp)

Rpom biomass difference by media in cold temp treatment:

rpom_biomass_cold_noB12 <- rpom_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "noB12 cold")
rpom_biomass_cold_full <- rpom_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "full cold")
t.test(rpom_biomass_cold_noB12$max_cells_per_ul, rpom_biomass_cold_full$max_cells_per_ul)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  rpom_biomass_cold_noB12$max_cells_per_ul and rpom_biomass_cold_full$max_cells_per_ul
## t = 1.6876, df = 3.2092, p-value = 0.1841
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -1147.687  3953.320
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  28700.86  27298.05

Amac biomass difference by media in mid temp treatment:

rpom_biomass_mid_noB12 <- rpom_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "noB12 med")
rpom_biomass_mid_full <- rpom_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "full med")
t.test(rpom_biomass_mid_noB12$max_cells_per_ul, rpom_biomass_mid_full$max_cells_per_ul)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  rpom_biomass_mid_noB12$max_cells_per_ul and rpom_biomass_mid_full$max_cells_per_ul
## t = -1.9538, df = 2.1821, p-value = 0.1792
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -19691.69   6715.77
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  25413.64  31901.60

Amac biomass difference by media in hot temp treatment:

rpom_biomass_hot_noB12 <- rpom_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "noB12 hot")
rpom_biomass_hot_full <- rpom_biomass %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "full hot")
t.test(rpom_biomass_hot_noB12$max_cells_per_ul, rpom_biomass_hot_full$max_cells_per_ul)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  rpom_biomass_hot_noB12$max_cells_per_ul and rpom_biomass_hot_full$max_cells_per_ul
## t = -0.67715, df = 2.193, p-value = 0.5627
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -14173.54  10033.59
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  39253.28  41323.26

maximum growth rates

All line fits:

all_line_fits <- all_easylinear(cells_per_ul ~ hours|Species+Temp+Rep+Media,
                                data = (r2 %>% dplyr::filter(!(Temp == "cold" & hours ==2)) %>%  dplyr::filter(!(Temp == "hot" & hours ==1))), h=3,  quota = 0.95)

par(mfrow = c(6, 6))
par(mar = c(2.5, 4, 2, 1))
plot(all_line_fits, log = "y")


rpom_line_fits <- all_easylinear(cells_per_ul ~ hours|Species+Temp+Rep+Media,
                                data = (r2 %>% dplyr::filter(!(Temp == "cold" & hours ==2)) %>%  dplyr::filter(!(Temp == "hot" & hours ==1)) %>%  dplyr::filter(Species == "Rpom")), h=3,  quota = 0.95)

par(mfrow = c(6, 3))
par(mar = c(2.5, 4, 2, 1))
plot(rpom_line_fits, log = "y")
kable((data.frame(results(rpom_line_fits)) %>% select(Species, Temp, Rep, Media, mumax, r2) %>% arrange(Temp)), format = "html", digits = 3) %>%
  kable_styling("striped") #%>% save_kable("rpom_line_fits.png", density = 10000)
Species Temp Rep Media mumax r2
Rpom:cold:1:full Rpom cold 1 full 0.487 0.916
Rpom:cold:2:full Rpom cold 2 full 0.500 0.861
Rpom:cold:3:full Rpom cold 3 full 0.524 0.872
Rpom:cold:1:noB12 Rpom cold 1 noB12 0.605 0.936
Rpom:cold:2:noB12 Rpom cold 2 noB12 0.636 0.857
Rpom:cold:3:noB12 Rpom cold 3 noB12 0.626 0.921
Rpom:hot:1:full Rpom hot 1 full 1.744 0.923
Rpom:hot:2:full Rpom hot 2 full 1.740 0.921
Rpom:hot:3:full Rpom hot 3 full 1.750 0.931
Rpom:hot:1:noB12 Rpom hot 1 noB12 1.677 0.927
Rpom:hot:2:noB12 Rpom hot 2 noB12 1.622 0.950
Rpom:hot:3:noB12 Rpom hot 3 noB12 1.654 0.947
Rpom:med:1:full Rpom med 1 full 0.763 1.000
Rpom:med:2:full Rpom med 2 full 0.796 0.998
Rpom:med:3:full Rpom med 3 full 0.815 0.998
Rpom:med:1:noB12 Rpom med 1 noB12 0.819 0.993
Rpom:med:2:noB12 Rpom med 2 noB12 0.785 0.999
Rpom:med:3:noB12 Rpom med 3 noB12 0.810 0.997


amac_line_fits <- all_easylinear(cells_per_ul ~ hours|Species+Temp+Rep+Media,
                                data = (r2 %>% dplyr::filter(!(Temp == "cold" & hours ==2)) %>%  dplyr::filter(!(Temp == "hot" & hours ==1)) %>%  dplyr::filter(Species == "Amac")), h=3,  quota = 0.95)

par(mfrow = c(6, 3))
par(mar = c(2.5, 4, 2, 1))
plot(amac_line_fits, log = "y")
kable((data.frame(results(amac_line_fits)) %>% select(Species, Temp, Rep, Media, mumax, r2) %>% arrange(Temp)), format = "html", digits = 3) %>%
  kable_styling("striped") #%>% save_kable("amac_line_fits.png", density = 10000)
Species Temp Rep Media mumax r2
Amac:cold:1:full Amac cold 1 full 0.716 0.905
Amac:cold:2:full Amac cold 2 full 0.682 0.881
Amac:cold:3:full Amac cold 3 full 0.679 0.842
Amac:cold:1:noB12 Amac cold 1 noB12 0.543 0.917
Amac:cold:2:noB12 Amac cold 2 noB12 0.539 0.931
Amac:cold:3:noB12 Amac cold 3 noB12 0.597 0.961
Amac:hot:1:full Amac hot 1 full 1.503 0.935
Amac:hot:2:full Amac hot 2 full 1.512 0.932
Amac:hot:3:full Amac hot 3 full 1.541 0.945
Amac:hot:1:noB12 Amac hot 1 noB12 1.204 0.970
Amac:hot:2:noB12 Amac hot 2 noB12 1.103 0.998
Amac:hot:3:noB12 Amac hot 3 noB12 1.282 0.952
Amac:med:1:full Amac med 1 full 0.912 0.998
Amac:med:2:full Amac med 2 full 0.926 0.998
Amac:med:3:full Amac med 3 full 0.895 0.992
Amac:med:1:noB12 Amac med 1 noB12 0.824 0.973
Amac:med:2:noB12 Amac med 2 noB12 0.734 0.975
Amac:med:3:noB12 Amac med 3 noB12 0.741 0.974

Plot mean growth rates with raw data as points:

many_mus <- rbind(results(amac_line_fits), results(rpom_line_fits))
many_mus$Temp <- factor(many_mus$Temp, levels = c("cold", "med", "hot"))

df_mean <- data.frame(many_mus %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "Amac") %>% group_by(Species, Temp, Media) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_mumax = mean(mumax), sd = sd(mumax)) %>% ungroup())

df_sd <-  data.frame(many_mus %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "Amac") %>% group_by(Species, Temp, Media) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_mumax = mean(mumax), sd = sd(mumax)) %>% ungroup()) %>% mutate(ymin = mean_mumax-sd) %>% mutate(ymax = mean_mumax+sd)

df_points <- data.frame(many_mus %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "Amac"))

amac_mumax<- ggplot() + geom_point(data = df_mean, aes(x = Media, y = mean_mumax, color = Media), size =10, shape ="-") + theme_bw() + scale_color_manual(values = c( "black", "#6495ed"))+ geom_errorbar(data = df_sd, aes(x = Media, y = mean_mumax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, color = Media), width=0) + geom_jitter(data =df_points, aes(x =Media, y = mumax, color = Media), shape = 1, width = 0.114, fill = "white") +facet_grid(~Temp) + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + ggtitle("A. macleodii") +ylim(0.5, 1.7)
df_mean <- data.frame(many_mus %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "Rpom") %>% group_by(Species, Temp, Media) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_mumax = mean(mumax), sd = sd(mumax)) %>% ungroup())

df_sd <-  data.frame(many_mus %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "Rpom") %>% group_by(Species, Temp, Media) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_mumax = mean(mumax), sd = sd(mumax)) %>% ungroup()) %>% mutate(ymin = mean_mumax-sd) %>% mutate(ymax = mean_mumax+sd)

df_points <- data.frame(many_mus %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "Rpom"))

rpom_mumax <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = df_mean, aes(x = Media, y = mean_mumax, color = Media), size =10, shape ="-") + theme_bw() + scale_color_manual(values = c( "black", "#6495ed"))+ geom_errorbar(data = df_sd, aes(x = Media, y = mean_mumax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, color = Media), width=0) + geom_jitter(data =df_points, aes(x =Media, y = mumax, color = Media), shape = 1, width = 0.114, fill = "white") +facet_grid(~Temp) + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + ggtitle("R. pomeroyi") +ylim(0.4, 1.9)
(amac_mumax / rpom_mumax) + plot_layout(guides = "collect")

Growth rate comparison stats


amac_mu <- many_mus %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "Amac")
amac_mu$TempMedia <- paste(amac_mu$Media, amac_mu$Temp)

Amac growth rate difference by media in cold temp treatment:

amac_mu_cold_noB12 <- amac_mu %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "noB12 cold")
amac_mu_cold_full <- amac_mu %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "full cold")
t.test(amac_mu_cold_noB12$mumax, amac_mu_cold_full$mumax)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  amac_mu_cold_noB12$mumax and amac_mu_cold_full$mumax
## t = -5.9585, df = 3.4317, p-value = 0.006391
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.19870978 -0.06658427
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
## 0.5596798 0.6923268

Amac growth rate difference by media in mid temp treatment:

amac_mu_warm_noB12 <- amac_mu %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "noB12 med")
amac_mu_warm_full <- amac_mu %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "full med")
t.test(amac_mu_warm_noB12$mumax, amac_mu_warm_full$mumax)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  amac_mu_warm_noB12$mumax and amac_mu_warm_full$mumax
## t = -4.7573, df = 2.387, p-value = 0.02901
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.25717828 -0.03219524
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
## 0.7665456 0.9112323

Amac growth rate difference by media in hot temp treatment:

amac_mu_hot_noB12 <- amac_mu %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "noB12 hot")
amac_mu_hot_full <- amac_mu %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "full hot")
t.test(amac_mu_hot_noB12$mumax, amac_mu_hot_full$mumax)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  amac_mu_hot_noB12$mumax and amac_mu_hot_full$mumax
## t = -6.0668, df = 2.1915, p-value = 0.02089
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.5326034 -0.1117969
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  1.196487  1.518687


Rpom growth rate difference by media in hot temp treatment:

rpom_mu <- many_mus %>% dplyr::filter(Species == "Rpom")
rpom_mu$TempMedia <- paste(rpom_mu$Temp, rpom_mu$Media)

rpom_mu_hot_noB12 <- rpom_mu %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "hot noB12")
rpom_mu_hot_full <- rpom_mu %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "hot full")
t.test(rpom_mu_hot_noB12$mumax, rpom_mu_hot_full$mumax)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  rpom_mu_hot_noB12$mumax and rpom_mu_hot_full$mumax
## t = -5.7599, df = 2.1483, p-value = 0.02442
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.15862142 -0.02802538
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  1.651267  1.744591

Rpom growth rate difference by media in mid temp treatment:

rpom_mu_mid_noB12 <- rpom_mu %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "med noB12")
rpom_mu_mid_full <- rpom_mu %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "med full")
t.test(rpom_mu_mid_noB12$mumax, rpom_mu_mid_full$mumax)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  rpom_mu_mid_noB12$mumax and rpom_mu_mid_full$mumax
## t = 0.73964, df = 3.4638, p-value = 0.5065
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.04074797  0.06796380
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
## 0.8047011 0.7910931

Rpom growth rate difference by media in cool temp treatment:

rpom_mu_cool_noB12 <- rpom_mu %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "cold noB12")
rpom_mu_cool_full <- rpom_mu %>% dplyr::filter(TempMedia == "cold full")
t.test(rpom_mu_cool_noB12$mumax, rpom_mu_cool_full$mumax)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  rpom_mu_cool_noB12$mumax and rpom_mu_cool_full$mumax
## t = 8.5117, df = 3.8698, p-value = 0.001208
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.07939223 0.15780072
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
## 0.6223185 0.5037220

cell size


FSC1<- data.frame(fsApply(filteredresult_2,each_col,mean))
FSC2<- data.frame(fsApply(fr2_2,each_col,mean))
FSC3<- data.frame(fsApply(fr2_3,each_col,mean))
FSC4<- data.frame(fsApply(fr2_4,each_col,mean))
FSC5<- data.frame(fsApply(fr2_5,each_col,mean))
FSC6<- data.frame(fsApply(fr2_6,each_col,mean))
FSC7<- data.frame(fsApply(fr2_7,each_col,mean))
FSC8<- data.frame(fsApply(fr2_8,each_col,mean))
FSC9<- data.frame(fsApply(fr2_9,each_col,mean))
FSC10<- data.frame(fsApply(fr2_10,each_col,mean))
FSC11<- data.frame(fsApply(fr2_11,each_col,mean))
FSC12<- data.frame(fsApply(fr2_12,each_col,mean))
FSC13<- data.frame(fsApply(fr2_13,each_col,mean))

FSC1$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_1")
FSC2$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_2")
FSC3$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_3")
FSC4$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_4")
FSC5$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_5")
FSC6$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_6")
FSC7$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_7")
FSC8$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_8")
FSC9$well <- paste0(sampleNames3, "_9")
FSC10$well <- paste0(sampleNames4, "_10")
FSC11$well <- paste0(sampleNames4, "_11")
FSC12$well <- paste0(sampleNames5, "_12")
FSC13$well <- paste0(sampleNames6, "_13")

Fscatter<- rbind(FSC1,FSC2,FSC3,FSC4,FSC5, FSC6, FSC7, FSC8, FSC9, FSC10, FSC11, FSC12, FSC13) %>% separate(well,c("Species", "Media", "Temp", "Rep", "Time_point"))

Fscatter$Temp <- factor(Fscatter$Temp, levels = c("cold", "med", "hot"))

fscat2 <- Fscatter %>% 
  mutate(hours = case_when(
    Time_point == 1 ~ 0,
    Time_point == 2 ~ 1, 
    Time_point == 3 ~ 2,
    Time_point == 4 ~ 3,
    Time_point == 5 ~ 4,
    Time_point == 6 ~ 5,
    Time_point == 7 ~ 6,
    Time_point == 8 ~ 7,
    Time_point == 9 ~ 8,
    Time_point == 10 ~ 9,
    Time_point == 11 ~ 12,
    Time_point == 12 ~ 24,
    Time_point == 13 ~ 24

write.csv(fscat2, "fscatter_rnd2.csv", row.names = FALSE)
fscat2<- read.csv("fscatter_rnd2.csv")

fscat2$Temp <- factor(fscat2$Temp, levels = c("cold", "med", "hot"))

fscat2 %>% dplyr::filter(!(Temp == "cold" &hours ==2)) %>% dplyr::filter(!(Temp == "hot" & hours ==1)) %>% ggplot(aes(x = hours, y = FSC.A, color = Temp, shape = Media)) + facet_grid(Temp~Species) + geom_point(size =2, alpha = .7) + theme_light() + scale_color_manual(values = c("#2D55CC", "#FAAB33", "#FF4041")) +
      strip.text.x = element_text(
        size = 12, color = "white", face = "bold.italic"
        )) + geom_line(aes(linetype = Media))

fscat2 %>% dplyr::filter(!(Temp == "cold" &hours ==2)) %>% dplyr::filter(!(Temp == "hot" & hours ==2)) %>% group_by(hours, Media, Species, Temp) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_size = mean(FSC.A), sd = sd(FSC.A)) %>% ggplot(aes(x = hours, y = mean_size, color = Temp, shape = Media)) + facet_grid(Temp~Species) + geom_point(size =2, alpha = .7) + theme_bw() + scale_color_manual(values = c("#2D55CC", "#FAAB33", "#FF4041"))  +geom_line(aes(linetype = Media))+
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean_size-sd, ymax=mean_size+sd), width=0) + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

fscatt1$trial <- "1"
fscat2$trial <- "2"

fscatt1_2 <- rbind(fscatt1, fscat2) %>% filter(hours == 24) %>% filter(Temp == "hot") %>% filter(Species == "Amac")

df_mean <- data.frame(fscatt1_2 %>% 
  group_by(Media, trial) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(meanFSc = mean(FSC.A), sd = sd(FSC.A)) %>% ungroup())

df_sd <- data.frame(fscatt1_2 %>% 
  group_by(Media, trial) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(meanFSc = mean(FSC.A), sd = sd(FSC.A)) %>% ungroup()  %>% mutate(ymin = meanFSc-sd) %>% mutate(ymax =meanFSc+sd))

df_points <- fscatt1_2

ggplot() + geom_point(data = df_mean, aes(x = Media, y = meanFSc, color = Media), size =10, shape ="-") + theme_bw() + scale_color_manual(values = c( "black", "#6495ed"))+ geom_errorbar(data = df_sd, aes(x = Media, y = meanFSc, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, color = Media), width=0) + geom_jitter(data =df_points, aes(x =Media, y = FSC.A, color = Media), shape = 1, width = 0.114, fill = "white") +facet_grid(~trial) + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + ggtitle("Amac Cell Size at 24 hours")

Cell size stats

Trial 1

amac_cellsize_full <- df_points %>% dplyr::filter(trial == 1) %>% dplyr::filter(Media == "full")
amac_cellsize_noB12 <- df_points %>% dplyr::filter(trial == 1) %>% dplyr::filter(Media == "noB12")

t.test(amac_cellsize_full$FSC.A, amac_cellsize_noB12$FSC.A)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  amac_cellsize_full$FSC.A and amac_cellsize_noB12$FSC.A
## t = -5.1522, df = 3.1303, p-value = 0.01276
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -16713.191  -4134.111
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  24233.84  34657.49

Trial 2

amac_cellsize_full <- df_points %>% dplyr::filter(trial == 2) %>% dplyr::filter(Media == "full")
amac_cellsize_noB12 <- df_points %>% dplyr::filter(trial == 2) %>% dplyr::filter(Media == "noB12")

t.test(amac_cellsize_full$FSC.A, amac_cellsize_noB12$FSC.A)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  amac_cellsize_full$FSC.A and amac_cellsize_noB12$FSC.A
## t = -8.1546, df = 3.5762, p-value = 0.001959
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -9108.574 -4316.035
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  24639.44  31351.75

B12 Measurements

Standard Curve

stdcurve <- read.csv("cobalamin_standard_curve.csv")
calcurve <-ggplot(stdcurve, aes(x=cynanocobalamin_ug_per_L, y=Total_Fragment_Area)) +geom_smooth(method = "lm") +geom_point(shape = 21) +theme_bw()+ theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank()) + ylab("Total fragment area") + xlab("Cyanocobalamin (µg L-1)")


zoom<- ggplot(stdcurve, aes(x=cynanocobalamin_ug_per_L, y=Total_Fragment_Area)) +geom_smooth(method = "lm") +geom_point(shape = 21)+ ylim(c(0,1e+09)) + xlim(c(0,40)) +theme_bw()+ theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank())


dbl_zoom<- ggplot(stdcurve, aes(x=cynanocobalamin_ug_per_L, y=Total_Fragment_Area)) +geom_smooth(method = "lm") +geom_point(shape = 21)+ ylim(c(0,6e+07)) + xlim(c(0,4)) +theme_bw()+ theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank()) +ylab("") +xlab("")


linear<- lm(Total_Fragment_Area ~ cynanocobalamin_ug_per_L, data=stdcurve)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Total_Fragment_Area ~ cynanocobalamin_ug_per_L, 
##     data = stdcurve)
## Residuals:
##        Min         1Q     Median         3Q        Max 
## -173050484  -55431536   33687621   45363866  149568464 
## Coefficients:
##                           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)              -44436300   26055431  -1.705    0.112    
## cynanocobalamin_ug_per_L  19612170     144924 135.327   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 87720000 on 13 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.9993, Adjusted R-squared:  0.9992 
## F-statistic: 1.831e+04 on 1 and 13 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
with_inset <- calcurve+ 
                      ymin = 4.5e+09, ymax=8e+09, xmin=-Inf, xmax=200) 


ggsave(“calcurve.pdf”, width = 6, height = 4)

final cell counts

To get number of cells at time of sacrifice to which to normalize b12 mas spec measurements

write.csv(filtered_ps9, "vols.csv", row.names = FALSE)
vols<- read.csv("vols.csv")

vols$vol_ml <- as.numeric(vols$vol) /1000 /1000

vols$cells_per_ml  <-   vols$Count /  vols$vol_ml

vols <- vols %>% separate(well,c("Species", "Media", "Temp", "Rep", "Time_point") )
vols$Temp <- factor(vols$Temp, levels = c("cold", "med", "hot"))
r4<- vols %>% 
  mutate(hours = case_when(
    Time_point == 10 ~ 9)) %>% filter(Species == "Rpom") %>% filter(Media == "noB12") %>% filter(Temp != "cold")

r4$trial <- "2"

r4$Tube <- c(19,20,21,31,32,33)
write.csv(filtered_ps12, "cold_final.csv", row.names = FALSE)
results <- read.csv("cold_final.csv")

results$vol_ml <- as.numeric(results$vol) /1000 /1000 #B12 data is mg/ml so getting cells /ml instedd of cells/ml

results$cells_per_ml  <-   results$Count /  results$vol_ml

results <- results %>% separate(well,c("Species", "Media", "Temp", "Rep", "Time_point") )
results$Temp <- factor(results$Temp, levels = c("cold", "med", "hot"))
r5<- results %>% 
  mutate(hours = case_when(
    Time_point == 13 ~ 24)) %>% filter(Species == "Rpom") %>% filter(Media == "noB12") %>% filter(Temp == "cold")

r5$trial <- "2"

r5$Tube <- c(7,8,9)

df1 <- rbind(data.frame(r4 %>% group_by(hours, Media, Species, Temp) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_cells_per_ml = mean(cells_per_ml), sd = sd(cells_per_ml)) %>% ungroup()), data.frame(r5 %>% group_by(hours, Media, Species, Temp) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_cells_per_ml = mean(cells_per_ml), sd = sd(cells_per_ml)) %>% ungroup()))

df2 <- rbind(data.frame(r4 %>% group_by(hours, Media, Species, Temp) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_cells_per_ml = mean(cells_per_ml), sd = sd(cells_per_ml)) %>% ungroup() %>% mutate(ymin = mean_cells_per_ml-sd) %>% mutate(ymax = mean_cells_per_ml+sd)), data.frame(r5 %>% group_by(hours, Media, Species, Temp) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_cells_per_ml = mean(cells_per_ml), sd = sd(cells_per_ml)) %>% ungroup() %>% mutate(ymin = mean_cells_per_ml-sd) %>% mutate(ymax = mean_cells_per_ml+sd)))

df3 <- rbind(r4, r5)

Check that final cell counts look right:

ggplot() + geom_point(data = df1, aes(x = Temp, y = mean_cells_per_ml, color = Temp), size =10, shape ="-") + theme_light() + scale_color_manual(values = c("#2D55CC", "#FAAB33", "#FF4041")) +
      strip.text.x = element_text(
        size = 12, color = "white", face = "bold.italic"
        )) +
  geom_errorbar(data = df2, aes(x = Temp, y = mean_cells_per_ml, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, color = Temp), width=0) + geom_jitter(data =df3, aes(x = Temp, y = cells_per_ml, color = Temp), shape = 1, width = 0.115)

print(df3 %>% select(Species, Media, Temp, Rep, Tube, cells_per_ml))
##   Species Media Temp Rep Tube cells_per_ml
## 1    Rpom noB12  med   1   19     24407279
## 2    Rpom noB12  med   2   20     26743498
## 3    Rpom noB12  med   3   21     23723542
## 4    Rpom noB12  hot   1   31     38518822
## 5    Rpom noB12  hot   2   32     38677891
## 6    Rpom noB12  hot   3   33     38907743
## 7    Rpom noB12 cold   1    7     27917922
## 8    Rpom noB12 cold   2    8     29341732
## 9    Rpom noB12 cold   3    9     28842938

These cell count values were added to the spreadsheet with B12 results.

plot B12 concentrations normalized to cell counts

cob<- read.csv("cobalamin_supernatant_pellets_t2.csv")
## 'data.frame':    18 obs. of  9 variables:
##  $ Sample_name              : chr  "7P_8_9 " "8P_8_9 " "9P_8_8 " "19P_8_8 " ...
##  $ conc_mgL_in_final_extract: int  20 3 0 6 57 36 1 100 0 0 ...
##  $ S_P                      : chr  "P" "P" "P" "P" ...
##  $ Tube                     : int  7 8 9 19 21 31 32 33 19 20 ...
##  $ Temp                     : chr  "cool" "cool" "cool" "warm" ...
##  $ Volume_mL                : int  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 25 ...
##  $ cells.perml              : int  29341732 28842938 27917922 23723542 26743498 38518822 38677891 38907743 23723542 24407279 ...
##  $ Hours_from_Innoc         : int  24 24 24 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ...
##  $ Treatment                : chr  "noB12" "noB12" "noB12" "noB12" ...

normalize to mls and # of cells / ml

cob$conc_mg_ml_in_extract <- cob$conc_mgL_in_final_extract / 1000
cob$mg_in_sample <- cob$conc_mg_ml_in_extract *  cob$Volume_mL
cob$cells_per_sample <- cob$Volume_mL * cob$cells.perml
cob$ug_per_cell <- cob$mg_in_sample / cob$cells_per_sample * 1000
cob$Temp <- factor(cob$Temp, levels = c("cool", "warm", "hot"))

cob %>%  ggplot(aes(x=S_P, y=ug_per_cell)) + geom_boxplot(aes(color = Temp)) + scale_color_manual(values = c("#2D55CC", "#FAAB33", "#FF4041")) + theme_light() +
      strip.text.x = element_text(
        size = 12, color = "white", face = "bold.italic"
        )) +
  stat_compare_means(label.y = c(3e-06), method = "t.test", = "S_P")

convenient because ggplot separates treatments, but boxplots are not appropriate for n=3 …

df4 <- data.frame(cob %>% group_by(S_P, Temp) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_ug_per_cell = mean(ug_per_cell), sd = sd(ug_per_cell)) %>% ungroup())

df5 <- data.frame(cob %>% group_by(S_P, Temp) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean_ug_per_cell = mean(ug_per_cell), sd = sd(ug_per_cell)) %>% ungroup()) %>% mutate(ymin = mean_ug_per_cell-sd) %>% mutate(ymax = mean_ug_per_cell+sd)

ggplot() + geom_point(data = df4, aes(x = Temp, y = mean_ug_per_cell, color = Temp), size =10, shape ="-") + theme_bw() + scale_color_manual(values = c("#2D55CC", "#FAAB33", "#FF4041")) + geom_errorbar(data = df5, aes(x = Temp, y = mean_ug_per_cell, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, color = Temp), width=0) + geom_jitter(data =cob, aes(x =Temp, y = ug_per_cell, color = Temp), shape = 1, width = 0.114, fill = "white") +facet_grid(~S_P) +ylim(    -1.124685e-07, 3e-06) + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

ggplot() + geom_point(data = df4, aes(x = Temp, y = mean_ug_per_cell, color = Temp), size =12, shape ="-") + theme_light() + scale_color_manual(values = c("#2D55CC", "#FAAB33", "#FF4041")) + geom_errorbar(data = df5, aes(x = Temp, y = mean_ug_per_cell, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, color = Temp), width=0) + geom_dotplot(data =cob, aes(x =Temp, y = ug_per_cell, color = Temp), shape = 1, dotsize=0.5, binaxis='y', stackdir = 'center', fill = "white" ) +facet_grid(~S_P) +ylim(   -1.124685e-07, 3e-06) + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

B12 comparison stats

Two-Way ANOVA - Temperature and Supernatant/Pellet

cob$TempPellet <- paste(cob$Temp, cob$S_P)
anova_1 <- aov(ug_per_cell~Temp+S_P, data = cob)
##             Df    Sum Sq   Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)  
## Temp         2 6.760e-13 3.378e-13   0.750 0.4904  
## S_P          1 2.949e-12 2.949e-12   6.547 0.0227 *
## Residuals   14 6.306e-12 4.504e-13                 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Cool v. Warm:

cob_coolP <- cob %>% dplyr::filter(Temp == "cool") %>% dplyr::filter(S_P == "P")
cob_warmP <- cob%>% dplyr::filter(Temp == "warm") %>% dplyr::filter(S_P == "P")

##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  cob_coolP$ug_per_cell and cob_warmP$ug_per_cell
## t = -1.2336, df = 2.5412, p-value = 0.3192
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -2.903646e-06  1.400859e-06
## sample estimates:
##    mean of x    mean of y 
## 2.618782e-07 1.013272e-06

cool v. hot:

cob_hotP <- cob %>% dplyr::filter(Temp == "hot") %>% dplyr::filter(S_P == "P")

t.test(cob_coolP$ug_per_cell, cob_hotP$ug_per_cell)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  cob_coolP$ug_per_cell and cob_hotP$ug_per_cell
## t = -1.1822, df = 2.3223, p-value = 0.344
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -3.839299e-06  2.009292e-06
## sample estimates:
##    mean of x    mean of y 
## 2.618782e-07 1.176882e-06

Supernatant v. Pellet:

cob_S <- cob%>% dplyr::filter(S_P == "S")
cob_P <- cob %>% dplyr::filter(S_P == "P")

t.test(cob_P$ug_per_cell, cob_S$ug_per_cell)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  cob_P$ug_per_cell and cob_S$ug_per_cell
## t = 2.5997, df = 8.0044, p-value = 0.03162
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  9.151903e-08 1.527504e-06
## sample estimates:
##    mean of x    mean of y 
## 8.173438e-07 7.832202e-09

Session Info

## R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS Big Sur ... 10.16
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] patchwork_1.1.2          magick_2.7.4             kableExtra_1.3.4        
##  [4] flowStats_4.8.2          ggpubr_0.6.0             growthrates_0.8.4       
##  [7] deSolve_1.35             lattice_0.21-8           scales_1.2.1            
## [10] lubridate_1.9.2          forcats_1.0.0            stringr_1.5.0           
## [13] dplyr_1.1.2              purrr_1.0.1              readr_2.1.4             
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## [22] BH_1.81.0-1              RcppArmadillo_0. ggplot2_3.4.2           
## [25] flowCore_2.8.0          
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